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How to Clean and Maintain a Manual & Power Wheelchair

Wheelchair Cleaning Guide - Featured Image

A wheelchair is a vital tool for the mobility of mobility-impaired individuals. It is like an extended organ of the body that is close to not just the body but their hearts too! Since the wheelchair is on the move the whole day, it tends to accumulate dust and dirt carrying germs and bacteria. And thus regular disinfection and cleaning is a must to keep the user healthy. But at times people find it very tricky how to properly clean a wheelchair. All the more because they don’t know what cleaner to use or perhaps how to go part-by-part to clean the whole thing. Thus, we are sharing this wheelchair cleaning guide which is broken down into manual wheelchair cleaning tips and power wheelchair cleaning tips.

But, even before we talk of wheelchair cleaning tips and share the wheelchair maintenance guide with you, first and foremost what you will need are wheelchair cleaning tools and the right cleansers:

cleaning spray
  • A disinfectant spray or an all-purpose cleaning spray. Also, you would need some compressed air spray or a strong air blower
  • Mild Soap/ Mild Detergent
  • Microfibre Soft Towel
  • Toothbrush to reach the nooks and a normal cleaning brush good enough to reach all corners
  • Vinegar is optional but it must be diluted
  • Optionally you can also keep non-abrasive wax to make the chair shine; a tire cleaner and some Scotchgard
Wheelchair Cleaning Tips

Now let’s discuss the manual wheelchair cleaning guide along with the power wheelchair cleaning tips.

How to Clean a Manual Wheelchair

A Manual wheelchair is totally different from a power one, due to the latter’s electronic components, so its cleaning process is different. Let’s get you the rundown for manual wheelchair maintenance.

Clean a Manual Wheelchair
  • You first need to disassemble the wheelchair:remove its seat, back cushions, etc.
  • Now you need to blow off the dirt using compressed air spray/strong blower from all nooks and corners of the wheelchair. This should include the wheel spokes.
  • Use a mild soap solution and microfibre towel to clean away all the parts and areas of the manual wheelchair. Alternatively, the disinfectant spray can also be used. Avoid using corrosive cleaners like alcohol or petroleum-based ones, that can damage the components.
  • How to clean wheelchair wheels: Using the brushes and thicker soapy solution so that any kind of dirt is removed totally. A proper tire cleaner is ideal for use.
  • Once the wheelchair has been cleaned, dry it properly. Apply non-abrasive wax for optimal shine and lasting quality.
  • How to clean wheelchair seat: We suggest going by the manufacturer note. Either wash them with mild detergent and dry them or send those for dry cleaning as per the note. Once these are dry, you can optionally spray the Scotchgard to maintain the seat/cushions quality.
  • After all is dry and clean, just assemble the wheelchair again. But remember to wipe it weekly and follow this routine as a monthly cleaning cycle for a longer-lasting manual wheelchair.

Also Read: A Guide to Wheelchair Types

How to Clean a Power Wheelchair

A power chair requires very gentle and careful steps of cleaning due to its electronic components. Thus, let’s study how to properly clean a wheelchair.

Clean a Power Wheelchair
  • The foremost thing is to unplug the power chair and disconnect it from its base. There is a lever that will allow you to do it. — Remove the battery cover, then remove the battery to avoid any damage to it.
  • Using the blower/compressed air spray, try cleaning the wheelchair to its maximum in every possible nook and corner.
  • Cover the electric areas with  thick towel/plastic cling film. Now spray the disinfectant to the chair base as well as the upper portion of the chair. Let it rest for ten minutes and then wipe it away. Optionally you can spray on the all-purpose spray too.
  • The joystick area can be finely cleaned with a toothbrush, but with a very small amount of cleaner.
  • The battery cover should also be cleaned using the above steps.
  • How to clean wheelchair cushion/seat: If the seat and cushion are cloth-based, prefer to either vacuum them deeply or send them for dry cleaning. But if these are vinyl-based, you can easily clean them with a mild soap solution and warm water. Let them dry thoroughly before you assemble them back (air dry them if you are not satisfied).
  • How to clean wheelchair wheels: The tires must be cleaned with soapy water and a brush.
  • Once all is dry and clean, assemble all the parts of the wheelchair very carefully.
  • Optionally you can apply non-abrasive wax to the power wheelchair’s painted areas for long-lasting quality and shine.
  • Again, Scotchgard can provide extra protection to the upholstery of the seat and back cushions.

Also Read: How Much Does a Wheelchair Cost?

Take Care of the Critical Components of Wheelchair

Though we recommend regular cleaning of the wheelchair once a month, there are certain critical components of the wheelchair that demand regular cleaning, at times daily if you venture out. During these times of the COVID19 pandemic, even the WHO recommends the same.


Clean a Manual Wheelchair

Since they accumulate dirt and dust all the time from the ground, every time you return home, you need to ensure that a disinfectant is used along with a brush to properly clean these.


These come in contact with many hands, thus again need proper disinfection using a mild medical spray/sanitiser from time to time through the day.


This is again a component that comes in frequent contact with your hands, so every time you sanitize your hands, you must sanitize the armrests too.



These two elements are constantly in full hands’ contact, thus these concentrate germs. So carefully sanitize them again time-to-time.


Simple sweating can also contribute to the accumulation of germs on the seat and wheelchair cushions. So every time you are off the seat for a few hours, use a sanitiser and let the seat dry well. Alternatively, if the upholstery is cloth-based, you can sun dry it for an hour.

Benefits of Regular Wheelchair Maintenance & Cleaning

  1. During the COVID19 pandemic, we all know how critical it is to clean our hands; the same applies to the wheelchair. It will keep you off the virus!
  2. Low cost of maintenance as a clean wheelchair will undergo less wear-and-tear.
  3. Reduces the spread of germs and bacteria to you, your family and caregivers. by eliminating the breeding ground (dirt).
  4. Prevents corrosion of the hinges and other metallic parts where dirt can accumulate and absorb moisture to cause damage.

Whether it is the power wheelchair cleaning tips or manual wheelchair cleaning guide, the whole idea is that cleaning your wheelchair is as important as taking a bath because it is a body support system for you. And anything that benefits the body is best kept hygienic. So take that extra time, follow our wheelchair cleaning tips and show your chair some love – you will be happy you did.




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