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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Mobility Scooter in Toronto, Canada

looking for Mobility Scooters

The decision to purchase an electric mobility scooter in Canada is important. A brand-new mobility scooter is not just a high-ticket luxury item- it is an important tool in helping you or a loved one regain your independence. When an individual decides to stop driving or even taking public transit, it is possible for them to feel isolated and dependent on family members for their transportation. Medical scooters in Canada allow you to regain control of your time and mobility. Before buying a disability scooter, though, there is a series of important questions you should ask yourself to help you zone in on the perfect device for you… starting with a question about your needs.

1. What are my physical and cognitive abilities like? And what is my height and weight?

When looking for an electric mobility scooter in Canada, you must start by evaluating which kind of scooter your size and degree of mobility will be best suited for. Lighter weight and average height individuals, for example, will find it quite easy to find comfort in most mobility scooter options in the market. However, if you are a person weighing more than 250 lbs. (113 kg), you may find it best to look into higher-capacity options like heavy-duty scooters. These devices will give you a better range and larger, more supportive seating options. In addition, taller individuals who are looking for compact, travel mobility scooters might find the leg-space in such devices restrictive. That is the reason why three-wheel scooters could be a better fit as they usually feature leg space around and beyond the single, front wheel of the scooter.

physical and cognitive abilities

Evaluating your physical and cognitive abilities is also important – and may benefit from the advice of a doctor. Do you possess the dexterity and control necessary to control your scooter? The delta tillers in disability scooter models are intuitive and easy to use, but you should always make sure to be able to steer the device and press on the acceleration levers correctly. From a cognitive perspective, it is important to know that the user does not have balance issues when seated, that they can clearly understand the controls of their mobility scooter and react to other people or obstacles during their travel on the sidewalk. If you are physically ready to purchase a scooter, you should look at the space where you live next.

2. If I am keeping the mobility scooter at home, what is my living space like?

There are several reasons why you should evaluate your home before looking for mobility scooters for sale. Firstly, the place where you live will decide how you will be able to store your scooter. For example, an individual living in a smaller condominium or apartment might find that they will have to store their scooter inside their unit. One of the benefits of that arrangement is that both scooters with fixed batteries (mid-size and heavy-duty scooters) or removable batteries (travel mobility scooters) will be suitable since the person will plug the scooter directly into the wall for a charge. However, a condo resident might find a smaller scooter – especially a three-wheel travel scooter – easier to maneuver inside their elevator or narrow hallways.

Mobility Scooter in Home

On the other hand, an individual living in a house with a garage will most likely store their mobility scooter in their garage. When looking for a mobility scooter for sale, it is important to find out if the garage is heated or not. The batteries in mobility scooters in Ontario for example, cannot withstand the cold of the winter months in a below-freezing garage. The battery will drain permanently leading to the need for new batteries come springtime. In that case, a compact scooter with removable batteries will be the best solution as the user will be able to move the battery indoors for frequent charges while the scooter rests in cool weather.

You can read the full article on How to Care your Mobility Scooter in Winter

3. Next up, it is important to evaluate the expected use of the medical scooter – where will it take you?

Are you looking for a folding mobility scooter for travel or will you ride your mobility scooters in Toronto streets? Will you travel within just a few blocks of your home, or will you visit friends and family one or two neighbourhoods over? When driving an electric mobility scooter in Canada, these are variables to consider when choosing the right medical scooter for you. A folding mobility scooter is perfect for individuals who will mostly use their scooter for travel by car, plane, train, or boat. A folding scooter folds up compactly to fit into the trunk of your car or cargo compartment of a plane. Travel mobility scooters are similar in portability to folding scooters but instead of folding, these scooters can be dismantled into 4-5 pieces for portability. Folding mobility scooter advantage, however, is a better range than folding scooters and more comfort features – meaning that they will take you further if you are also looking to use your scooter in your neighborhood too.

Folding Travel Scooter

Finally, if you are looking at longer trips (15km and more) with more comfort features – a mid-size scooter or heavy-duty mobility scooter will be most suitable. Heavy-duty models in particular, feature air tires for a cushier ride. All larger scooter models feature fixed, longer-range batteries to take you farther. If you are to travel with them, however, you will need an especially equipped accessibility vehicle.

4. Are you looking for government assistance to help pay for your scooter?

Some models of Mobility scooters in Ontario can be partially funded by the government of Ontario’s ADP program. The Assistive Devices Program of Ontario can pay up to 75% of a qualifying mobility scooter price for an individual deemed in need of such a device. Every individual mobility retailer, however, is responsible for deciding which of the qualifying mobility scooters in the market they will finance under ADP. So, if you intend to process an application through ADP, it is important for you to first:

  1. Have an ADP-prescribing occupational therapist or physiotherapist assess you and fill out the paperwork/application which they will hand over to you.
  2. Consult your mobility retailer(s) of choice about which mobility scooters they offer under ADP.

Once you have answered these questions, you will be ready to start exploring the exciting market for mobility scooters in Ontario. At Vital Mobility, we offer white glove delivery of mobility scooters in Toronto and ship across Canada. We offer excellent quality mobility scooters from brands like FOXTR, Pride, Invacare, and Drive Medical. Visit one of our Toronto-area stores or check us out online at to begin your search for medical scooters in Canada today.




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