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Folding Electric Wheelchairs Canada | Foldable Power Wheelchairs

Folding Electric Wheelchair, often referred to as foldable power wheelchair is the ultimate mobility travel companion. Built with lightweight aluminum foldable frames and featuring ultra-light lithium-ion power batteries, our foldable power wheelchairs are excellent for fitting in the trunk of your car, taking with you on a plane, and storing compactly. Folding electric wheelchairs have a tight turning radius and comfortable, padded seating.

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Folding Electric Wheelchairs: The Revolution in Mobility

Remember when mobile phones became mainstream? At first, they were bulky - but soon, flip phones were all the rage. This kind of convenience and portability is what folding electric wheelchairs bring to the mobility aid industry. Let's dive into it to find out how folding electric wheelchairs are different from standard power wheelchairs, and what kind of individuals they can best serve.

Foldable Electric Wheelchair at the AirportFoldable Electric Wheelchair at the Airport
Foldable Electric Wheelchair at the Airport

A Glimpse into the World of Wheelchairs

Historically, wheelchairs have been an extremely useful tool for many individuals, granting mobility to those who might otherwise have been confined. They've evolved, adapted, and improved over time, mirroring the progression of technology and design.

The Shift to Electric: A Leap in Functionality

Traditional Wheelchairs vs. Electric Wheelchairs

Wheeling yourself around or relying on someone's push can be tiring. Here's where electric wheelchairs jump in! With just a joystick or control, users can navigate seamlessly, sparing arm fatigue. But how does it compare to the good old manual version of a wheelchair cart?

The Benefits of Going Electric and Folding

Imagine not having to use all your energy just to get from point A to B. Electric wheelchairs offer independence, speed, and efficiency. They often come with additional features like reclining seats, adjustable footrests, and, of course, the ever-so-convenient folding mechanism.

Embracing the Fold: The Rise of Folding Mechanisms

Why Foldability Matters

Ever tried fitting a bulky item in a packed car trunk? Not fun, right? Foldability introduces an element of convenience. Need to catch a flight? No problem. Want to store it at home without it taking up a whole room? Easy peasy!

Folded vs. Non-Folded: A Comparison

While non-folded electric wheelchairs might offer more stability due to their rigid structure, they lack the portability and flexibility of their folding counterparts. It's like comparing a desktop computer to a laptop. Both have their merits, but portability often tips the scale for many.

How to Choose the Right Folding Electric Wheelchair for You

1. Comfort and Fit: Prioritize a folding power wheelchair that suits your body size and offers ergonomic seating, ensuring comfort during extended use.

2. Portability: Opt for a model that's lightweight and easy to fold without compromising stability, making it convenient for travel and storage.

3. Battery Life: Consider a wheelchair with a long-lasting battery to support your daily activities and prevent unexpected power drainage. If you need to travel by airplane, you will need a smaller voltage lithium battery to make it compliant with FAA regulations. 

4. Terrain Adaptability: Choose a wheelchair with robust wheels and suspension systems for smooth navigation across various terrains, both indoors and outdoors.

5. Features and Controls: Pick a wheelchair with user-friendly controls, customizable settings, and essential features like adjustable armrests and footrests to meet your specific needs.

Maintenance Tips for Prolonged Efficiency

To ensure the prolonged efficiency of folding electric wheelchairs, a few maintenance tips are crucial.

  • Regularly inspect and tighten all bolts and connections to prevent loosening over time
  • Keep the wheelchair clean and free from debris that could hinder its folding mechanism.
  • Maintain proper tire pressure to ensure optimal performance and battery life.
  • Charge the battery regularly, especially during the winter months when you may not use your chair as often.
  • Lubricate moving parts to prevent friction and wear every 6-12 months.
  • Store the wheelchair in a dry and climate-controlled environment to prevent corrosion.
  • Following these steps will not only extend the lifespan of the wheelchair but also guarantee safe and reliable operation for those who rely on it.

Testimonials: Users Share Their Experiences

"Just received my Pride folding chair. Prompt service and at a good price. This is one of the best lightweight folding chairs on the market. Should last many years. Thanks for the great service." -  Bob Pearse

"Arrived well packaged with fully charged batteries as described. Runs great on grass or over "humps" like transitioning from grass to driveway, or up and down small "hills" as long as the speed is set on high. Otherwise the lowest speed on my Robooter E40 is sufficient on smooth surfaces. It folds and unfolds easily. I haven't tried the portability of it yet, but plan to do so soon. I'm still learning to maneuver it (I have trouble remembering which way to turn the joy stick to turn left or right) but it is easy to maneuver. Just have to remember not to turn tight corners at high speed! I love it!" - John D. 

Common Questions

Are folding electric wheelchairs safe?

Yes, folding electric wheelchairs are designed with safety features like stabilizing mechanisms, anti-tip devices, and braking systems to ensure user safety.

What is their weight capacity?

Weight capacities vary, but many models can support users ranging from 250 to 400 pounds, depending on the specific wheelchair.

How far can folding electric wheelchairs travel on a single charge?

The travel range depends on the wheelchair's battery capacity and terrain. Generally, they can travel between 10 to 20 miles on a single charge.

What are the best brands/models of folding electric wheelchairs?

Some popular brands include Pride Mobility, Robooter, and Golden Technologies. Specific models will vary, so research based on your needs is recommended.

How do I fold and unfold my chair?

Folding methods differ between models but typically involve releasing locks, folding the backrest, and collapsing the frame. Some folding power wheelchairs feature automatic folding - meaning that they can fold at the touch of a button. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for your specific wheelchair.

Are folding electric wheelchairs allowed on airplanes?

Yes, most folding electric wheelchairs are FAA-approved for air travel. However, in cases when you purchase your chair with a larger lithium-ion battery for better range, you may need to get an alternate, smaller battery to keep your chair airline compliant. Before taking a flight, it's essential to check with your airline and follow their guidelines.

What is the cost of a folding electric wheelchair?

Prices vary widely based on features and brands. Basic models can start around $2,500 while more advanced ones can cost $5,000 or more.

Do insurance companies cover the cost of foldable power wheelchairs?

In some cases, insurance might cover part or all of the cost if the wheelchair is deemed medically necessary. Contact your insurance provider for specifics.

Are the chairs covered in Ontario by the ADP Program (Assistive Devices Program)?

No, folding power devices do not receive coverage from the ADP program of Ontario.

Can they be used outdoors on different terrains?

Many foldable power chairs are designed for outdoor use, with robust wheels and suspension systems to handle various terrains such as sidewalks, parks, and some rough surfaces. Always check the specifications of the model you're considering and compare them to your needs.

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